

National Energy Administration announced: Top 10 photovoltaic power generation construction and operation in the first half of 2022


With the introduction of the "dual carbon" policy, the construction of "photovoltaic" is booming. On July 29th, the National Energy Administration announced the "Construction and Operation of Photovoltaic Power Generation in the First Half of 2022", which added 30.88GW of grid connected capacity, 8.9GW of household photovoltaic, 10.7GW of industrial and commercial photovoltaic, and 11.22GW of ground photovoltaic power stations in the first half of 2022.

  With the introduction of the "dual carbon" policy, the construction of "photovoltaic" is booming. On July 29th, the National Energy Administration announced the "Construction and Operation of Photovoltaic Power Generation in the First Half of 2022", which added 30.88GW of grid connected capacity, 8.9GW of household photovoltaic, 10.7GW of industrial and commercial photovoltaic, and 11.22GW of ground photovoltaic power stations in the first half of 2022.





Top 10 Distributed Photovoltaic Market: Shandong Wins the Championship and Hunan Ranks Tenth

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Shandong ranks first with a new installed capacity of 3413MW, while Henan has a new installed capacity of 3078MW, ranking second; Hebei has added 2745MW of installed capacity, ranking third; Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Guangdong all have installed capacity above GW level, while Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, and Hunan also have installed capacity above 300MW and have successfully entered the top ten national rankings.

Household photovoltaic market: Henan ranks first in China and seventh in Fujian in terms of newly installed capacity



  Henan Province leads the country with a new installed capacity of 2323MW, followed by Hebei Province with a new installed capacity of 2291MW, ranking second; Shandong ranks third with an additional installed capacity of 1917MW. Fujian ranks seventh with an additional installed capacity of 234MW. In addition, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Shaanxi have all entered the top ten rankings.

Industrial and commercial photovoltaic market: Zhejiang leads the way, while Fujian ranks seventh



  Zhejiang Province leads the country with 2688MW, followed by Jiangsu Province with 1716MW, and Shandong Province with 1496MW. Fujian Province ranks seventh in terms of newly added grid connected capacity of industrial and commercial photovoltaics. In addition, Guangdong (1122MW), Henan (755MW), Hebei (454MW), Fujian (397MW), Shaanxi (249MW), Ningxia (222MW), Hunan (205MW) and other provinces have respectively entered the top 10


Ground power station market: Anhui first, Hainan shortlisted for the top 10


  Finally, in the ground power plant market, Anhui leads the country with a performance of 1670MW, followed by Hubei (1120MW), Guizhou (1030MW), Gansu (959MW), Hebei (917MW), Guangxi (795MW), Qinghai (780MW), Jiangxi (577MW), Guangdong (357MW), and Hainan (354MW).