

Excuse me: Can I install a photovoltaic power station on my roof


Since the national "dual carbon" goal was proposed, the term "photovoltaic" has become popular. Coconut comes up with the super catchy saying of 2022, "As long as there is light, there is electricity." Some people may ask, can I install photovoltaic on my roof?


  Since the national "dual carbon" goal was proposed, the term "photovoltaic" has become popular. Coconut comes up with the super catchy saying of 2022, "As long as there is light, there is electricity." Some people may ask, can I install photovoltaic on my roof?

  What type of roof is suitable for installing photovoltaic power plants?

  Undoubtedly, the most suitable installation for household photovoltaic roofs is in rural villas - the roofs are in good condition and unobstructed. Residents who want to become household photovoltaic friends can observe whether there are any obstructions around their roof and whether the lighting conditions are good. Generally speaking, flat roofs and sloping roofs are more suitable for installing photovoltaic power plants.

  Flat roof: low investment cost and good economic returns

  On a horizontal roof, the photovoltaic array can be installed at the optimal angle to achieve maximum power generation; The biggest advantage of installing photovoltaic power plants on flat roofs is insulation and cooling, which can generally cool down by 5-7 degrees. It adopts the form of cement piers and photovoltaic brackets. The investment cost is not high and the economy is relatively good.


 Sloped roof: Beautiful appearance, easy to construct and maintain
The installation of photovoltaic power plants on sloping roofs is relatively beautiful. Due to the large slope of the roof, rainwater is easily drained, and construction is simple and easy to maintain. This type of rooftop mounted photovoltaic power station installation does not require increasing the bracket or calculating the inclination angle. During installation, it is sufficient to lay according to the inclination angle of the roof itself, and the installation capacity is not affected by the area. Due to the large slope, it can also achieve the effect of automatic cleaning of the power station.

  What are the conditions and restrictions for installing photovoltaic power plants in 02?

 Primary premise - clear ownership of the roof
The construction of household photovoltaic power stations requires independent access to the roof. Therefore, in rural areas with independent roofs, the installation of villas is relatively convenient for residents; For the roof of residential buildings with multiple floors or above, it belongs to a public area and does not belong to a single household. The owners of the entire building jointly have the right to use it. To build a power station on it, the consent of the owners of the entire building is required. Otherwise, even if it is installed, the power grid company will not connect it to the grid.
What is the installed capacity of the 03 photovoltaic power station? How to calculate the investment cost?
Installed capacity - based on roof area
According to the size of one's own roof area, a typical household roof can be installed for household projects ranging from 3kW to 10kW. Of course, if larger areas and higher power components are used, larger projects can be achieved. In general, a roof area of about 10 square meters can accommodate 1kW. By adjusting the array and actual layout, and using high-power components, it can also achieve 7-8 square meters for 1kW.
What are the policies for installing photovoltaic power stations now?
National subsidy for 20 years: On April 8, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission solicited opinions from relevant departments on the 2021 new energy grid electricity price policy. According to the draft for soliciting opinions, household photovoltaic power stations will still receive a subsidy of 3 cents per kilowatt hour in 2021, and will be subsidized based on the total electricity generation. Subsidies will no longer be implemented from 2022 onwards;
Local subsidies: In addition to the national subsidy of three cents per kilowatt hour, many provinces and cities have also introduced relevant photovoltaic subsidy policies: cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Zhejiang Leqing, etc. Among them, Beijing has introduced a photovoltaic subsidy policy known as the "most wealthy", with a maximum subsidy of 0.4 yuan per kilowatt hour and a continuous subsidy of 5 years.
What products do you need to purchase to install a photovoltaic power station and how do you choose?
A photovoltaic power station consists of photovoltaic modules, inverters, grid connection boxes, cables, brackets, and other products. Each product requires careful brand selection. Therefore, if it is a photovoltaic small white, it is recommended to find a local well-known installer or brand dealer to install (call the brand's official website for consultation). From the design and installation stage, it is completed by a professional team to ensure future power generation and revenue.
What products do you need to purchase to install a photovoltaic power station and how do you choose?
Materials and processes required for individual distributed photovoltaic grid connection 1. Application form for distributed power supply connection (original+3 copies) 2. User number of the installation user's electricity meter: viewed on the electricity bill (written at the top of the application form) 3. Power of attorney of the installation user (original+3 copies) 4. ID card of the operator (i.e. the operator on the power of attorney) (original+3 copies of both front and back) 5. Main account page of the installation user (original+3 copies) 6 Install the household owner's ID card (original+3 copies) 7. Collective land use certificate (original+3 copies)
matters needing attention
(1) The name of the household head on the household registration page, the name on the ID card, and the name on the electricity meter account number must be consistent. If there is any inconsistency (including a word difference, such as "Gui" between Wang Xianggui and Wang Xiang), a certificate must be issued by the government unit at or above the village level, and the official seal of the village or above government must be stamped to prove it; (2) If the installation user does not have a "Collective Land Use Certificate", they need to obtain a certificate and stamp from the township or above government. (3) No alteration is allowed on the Collective Land Use Certificate. If there is any alteration, it needs to be stamped and confirmed by the "issuing authority" of the land use certificate. (4) Distributed Power Access Application Form: The phone number of the household head or child needs to be filled in. (5) Install the household number of the household electricity meter.